Actions Library

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Actions Library


welcome.icon.pdftools Actions Library



This section contains information on the forty-two available actions in the Actions Library, which is used to create the Tool Actions Sequence of tools.


Actions are grouped into eight categories:


Create PDF Actions - actions that are used to create PDF documents.

Export PDF Actions - actions that used to export content from PDF documents into alternative formats.

Input/Output Actions - actions that relate to input/output processes when files are sourced/saved.

Optimize PDF Actions - contains the action that relates to the optimization of files.

PDF Standard Actions - actions that are used to add/remove formatting options for PDF documents.

Pages Actions - actions that are used to edit and enhance document pages.

Protection Actions - actions that are used to edit document security.

Advanced Actions - contains the action that is used to add/edit document properties.


Please note that these actions are geared towards PDF documents but they are compatible with most industry-standard formats.