3D Model Tree

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3D Model Tree


Editor-Icon 3D Model Tree



Click 3D Model Tree to open the 3D Model Tree pane:



Figure 1. View Tab Submenu, Other Panes, 3D Model Tree


The 3D Model Tree pane displays the hierarchy of selected 3D content in documents:



Figure 2. 3D Model Tree Pane


Note that it is necessary to click 3D content in order to select/activate them in documents. If 3D content is not selected then the 3D Model Tree pane will be empty.


Click items in the 3D Model Tree pane to select them in the document. Use the icons in the 3D Model Tree pane to perform the following operations:


Click 3d.expand Expand All to expand all branches in the 3D Model Tree hierarchy.

Click 3d.collapse Collapse All to collapse all branches in the 3D Model Tree hierarchy.

Click 3d.properties Properties to view/edit the properties of selected content. The 3D Properties pane will open. This pane details the status of properties for selected content:



Figure 3. 3D Properties Pane


Click to edit properties as desired. Please note that not all properties are editable. The following properties are available for 3D content:


3D Model Type displays the file format of the 3D content.

Printable displays the print status of the 3D content. If this property is enabled then the comment is printed with the document. If this property is not enabled then it is not printed.

Locked determines the locked status of the 3D content. If this property is enabled then the content cannot be deleted and its properties (including its position and size) cannot be modified by users.

Layer determines the optional content layer to which the 3D content belongs. Further information about layers is available here.


Click Options to view/select 3D content item options:



Figure 4. 3D Content Options


Hover over Model Render Mode to view/select alternative rendering modes for the 3D content.

Click Show All Parts to display all parts of the 3D content in the document.

Click Fit Visible to zoom the view in order to display all 3D content.

Click Display Bounding Box to display a bounding box around the 3D node selected in the 3D Model Tree pane.

Click Set Bounding Box Color to change the color of the bounding box around the 3D content.

Click Hide to hide the node of the 3D content selected in the 3D Model Tree pane.

Click Isolate to display only the node of the 3D content selected in the 3D Model Tree pane.

Click Isolate Part to display only the part of the 3D content selected in the 3D Model Tree pane. Note that parts are the parents of nodes in the 3D Model Tree pane.

Click Zoom to Part to zoom to the part selected in the 3D Model Tree pane.

Hover over Part Render Mode to view/select alternative rendering modes for the part of 3D content selected in the 3D Model Tree pane.

Click Properties to open the 3D Properties pane, as detailed above.